Profile PUP-336: Mateo

Owned by Tal

Age: 37

Pronouns: He/Him 

Nicknames: Matty, Teo, Yo-Yo

Favorite Foods: Grilled Veggies, Mushrooms, Sweet Potato, Honey

Least Favorite Foods: Liver, Olives, And Anchovies 

Skills: Gardening, Gathering, Beekeeping and Digging 

Siblings: 1 brother of whom he knows nothing of 

Mateo stands taller than your average common Pupp, his long legs a physical characteristic that serves as a reminder of his more feral lineage. His eyes glow with a golden radiance that feels both menacing and unnatural, and his rat like tail is long and animated, often betraying his emotions regardless of how much he might attempt to keep them hidden. Mateo also has a dark reddish brown mane that trails down his neck, and sharp bony spikes that protrude from his neck and shoulders. 

His coat is primarily a tawny striped beige, with the fur on his back being a bark brown, rust colored splotches of color can be seen on shoulders and back that match his thick strong claws, kept dull from his constant digging in the garden. 

Despite his long canine teeth Mateo actually prefers vegetables. Though he isn’t entirely against eating meat, it’s not a very common part of his diet.

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