Site News

[Event] Pembroke's Murder Mystery Party!

Posted 22 September 2024, 22:14:06 CDT by Provie
The invitations went out, stamped with a mysterious wax seal, inviting one and all to a party at Pembroke's house. Little did they all know, that this would be a party that they would never forget...
The party began well enough, it was a fancy soiree, and everyone dressed the part, looking fancy in their outfits and snacking on fancy snacks. The would be host, Mr Primrose, had greeted all his guests, but no one had seen him for a while.... that was until the party was interrupted by the lights turning off, and a scream! After a moment of confusion, the lights came back on, and there was the host, poor Mr Primrose, "dead"!
The crowd gasped, but there was no real alarm you see, as all the guests had been informed via their invitations that this evenings party was to be a Murder Mystery Party! Mr Primrose winked at them from his position on the floor, while Professor Citrene stepped forward.


"Egads!" cried professor Citrene, reading off an index card, "We better find some clues to solve this mystery!"


Welcome to Pembroke's murder mystery party!


This month, everyone is invited to Pembroke (aka Mr Primrose)'s Murder Mystery Party! A swanky soiree with a fun mystery to solve, can you collect all the clues and solve the mystery of the "murder" of Mr Primrose? Pembroke hopes that you all have fun solving his fake murder, he will be on the floor playing dead if you have any questions. Maybe bring him a snack since he can't get up to get one himself.

The event activities are as follows: The Scavenger Hunt, The Puzzles, and the Password Guessing Game!

This event will run until the end of the day on October 31st, 2024

The Scavenger Hunt

The first way to earn event points is by finding them hidden across our site! There are 10 clues hidden around the site!

<a href=
All the hunt targets are identical and award the same item, The Mysterious Clue, which can be opened in your inventory to award 5 Event points and One Raffle Ticket Each!

Some things to note about the scavenger hunt:

  • The Clues will not be hidden on Character Masterlist Entries or Member Profiles
  • Do not share the locations or links to any of the magic pockets with others, or give hints to others. This is considered cheating, anyone found doing so will recieve a warning
  • Please be respectful of other people's experiences when discussing the scavenger hunt, including discussing how "hard" or "easy" a location may be, since everyone will have a different experience!

Click here to check on your Scavenger Hunt Progress!

The Puzzles

The Second way to earn event points is by solving the following 5 Puzzles, which include a few riddles, a cipher, and more! When you think you have the answer to one (or more) of the puzzles below, submit a claim with the number of the puzzle, and the answer! Each puzzle is worth 5 event points and one Raffle Ticket, and members have unlimited guesses (so don't be afraid to guess!) 

Some things to note about the puzzles:

  • All the puzzles are home made! You won't be able to google the riddles for answers :3
  • Do not share any answers or give any hints for any of the puzzles below. This is considered cheating, anyone found doing so will recieve a warning
  • Please be respectful of other people's experiences when discussing the puzzles, including discussing how "hard" or "easy" they are or give any hints about any of the components of the puzzles, even vague ones!
  • I will be keeping an eye on puzzle answers, so if a hint is needed, hints will be posted as the month goes on
Puzzle #1

What is outside?
I’d like to see
Not using the door
Drafts may cause a chill
One other thing may help
What is it?

Puzzle #2

My first is the middle of where the land meets the sky
My second is is part of dance but not decry
My third is five to some
My fourth is the initial of initial, how fun!
My fifth is a warm drink of leaves
My sixth is three times in sleeves
What am I?

Puzzle #3

I have a sharpened point, but I was not made to kill
What I can do is limitless, if you have the skill
I have been part of many things at the beginning
Though if you make a mistake, I am quite forgiving
What am I?

Puzzle #4


U = A
O = E
I = A
E = O
U = I
K = T
D = N

(The cipher creates a question, and the answer is the answer to that question! You should be able to solve it using context clues/process of elimination)

Puzzle # 5

Four portraits upon the wall
Under them some numbers scrawl
Count the letters to find your clue...

30 3 13 32 26
13 7 13 2
26 13 7 3 26
32 15 13 26
7 1 27 44 7
30 3 13 32 26

(The numbers form words, you have everything you need to find out what words on this news post!)

The Password Guessing Game

The final way to earn tickets is a community activity! Pembroke has chosen 5 Passwords, and the community needs to work together to guess them by asking yes or no questions to figure out the passwords! When you think you know one of the passwords, submit a claim with the number of the password, and the answer! Each password is worth 5 event points and one Raffle Ticket, and members have unlimited guesses (so don't be afraid to guess!) 

Password Guessing Game rules/guidelines:

  • Members can only ask Yes or No questions, and will only recieve the following answers: yes, no, maybe, probably, probably not, or unknown
    • Any yes or no question is fair game, except asking directly what the password is. For example, "Is it password?" will not be answered
  • Members can only ask 2 total questions per day, you may ask your questions on the same password, or on two different passwords
    • Provie will try to respond to questions at least once a day, please be patient! If your question is not answered before the next day,  you may ask your new questions the next day
    • Remember, you are working together! So review previous questions, start out with more general questions, and then narrow it down together!
  • Each password has a vague hint accompanying it, but don't let them lead you astray, some may only be tangentially related!

Click here for Password #1

Click here for Password #2

Click here for Password #3

Click here for Password #4

Click here for Password #5

Event Prize Shop and Adopt Raffle!

For this event, we have created an event shop for members to spend all their event points in! The event shop features a bunch of new thematic items, as well as some MYO items for folks who might be in need of MYOs!

Click here to see the Event Shop!

All raffle tickets will go towards our Murder Mystery Party Adopt Raffle, which has three adopts for raffle!

Thumbnail for PUP-434Thumbnail for SNIL-156Thumbnail for AF-074
PUP-434 | SNIL-156 | AF-74


Returning this Year: Haunted Server Discord Event!

Even with this event going on, we are still doing our traditional Discord Activity, the Haunted Server! There are five new Halloween themed companions you can claim throughout the month!

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=

Head on over to our Discord Server to participate, and make sure to give yourself the Server Events ping role in the assign-roles channel to get pings whenever a companion is available!

Coming soon, feast of the beast holiday!

Later this month, our next Holiday will be Launched, the Feast of the Beast, which will run from October 15th to November 15th! There will be a prompt to complete, as well as a few new items and a new holiday goodie bag!

EDIT: The Feast of the Beast is now LIVE! Check out the prompt here!

<a href=

<a href=<a href=
Tooth Necklace | Juicy Meat


Finally, I would like to include some thank yous!
Thank you to the Puppillars Staff for all your amazing work on the event art and also giving me opinions on activities!
Thank you to the World of Lingua staff for the inspiration for the Password Guessing Game, and permission to include it!
Thank you to my friend Kougie for being my Riddle/Puzzle tester!

[Holiday] Nine Lives Fest

Posted 1 September 2024, 16:50:41 CDT by Provie
Nine lives fest holiday!

Hi all! It's September which means time for a new Holiday! This month the continent of Arcanis is celebrating a Snailcat-centric Holiday, the Nine Lives Festival!

We have a brand new holiday prompt you can particpate in, along with a new Goodie Bag to earn!

Click here to see the Prompt!

Two new items can be found in the Nine Lives Festival Goodie Bag

<a href=

<a href=<a href=
Scrapbooking Supplies | Meditation Incense
The goodie bag also awards 10 Holiday Tickets!


Lots of Guest adopts still open!

We have had an absoutely awesome pile of guest adopts this past month, and a lot of them are still available! He's a refresher in case anyone wants to take a look!

PUP-422 - $15 | PUP-423 $15 | SNIL-140 $10
Click here to visit Lionheartedphoenix's sales post!

SNIL-143 - $10 | AF-56 - $10
Click here to visit Forestwalk's Sales post!

PUP-428 - $20 | AF-58 - $20
Click here to visit 4sparkles' sales post!

PUP-430 - OTA with $50 AB | AF-60 - OTA with $25 AB
Click here to visit FNGaymer's sales post!

AF-64 - $30
Click here to visit Kangaloon's sales post!

Looking forward to Fall/winter!

Hi all! As we are moving into the end of the year and the "holiday season" I wanted to give everyone a head's up on what to look forward to for the rest of the year!

  • The rest of the year will see our last two holidays (after Nine Lives Fest), The Feast of the Beast and Cozytide! These two holidays will have Prompts with Goodie Bags! 
  • We will have a fun event in October, with a Murder Mystery Theme! There will be clues to find, riddles to solve, and a puzzle to solve!
  • In November and December, we will have a brand new type of event involving the Wanderer's Glade!
  • We have two more Guest Artists who will have adopts up, and I will also try to get some adopts up in the next few months to raise some money for site fees!!

[Giveaway] Wally's 10th Birthday!

Posted 29 August 2024, 11:53:56 CDT by Provie


Today is wally's 10th birthday!!!!!!

To celebrate, Wally is having a little Birthday Party and giveaway over at our Discord Server! Head on over to our server to join the giveaway for some lovely prizes! Everyone gets a prize!

Click here to check out our Discord!

Mysterious Clue

[Holiday] Arcane Cave Pilgrimage

Posted 22 August 2024, 19:17:18 CDT by Provie

Hi all! Better delayed than never, out August Holiday is now offical on site, the Pilgrimage to Arcane Cave! Last year, during our Source of Magic Plot, intrepid puppillars and pals re-discovered the magical cave that helps the flow of magic to thier world! To celebrate this accomplishment, and to make sure the cave and its guardian aren't forgotten again, critters from all across Arcanis visit the cave and the town nearby!

The holiday prompt for Arcane Cave Pilgrimage is now active, depict yoyr character celebrating this holiday and recieve a special Goodie Bag with a few new items, some Shed Arcane Magic, and some Holiday Tickets!

<a href=

<a href=<a href=<a href=

Click here to view the prompt!


But Provie!!! (you say) There's not much time to do the prompt! I hear you (I say), as a special gift since the holiday came so late, every member can claim a free Arcane Cave Pilgrimage Goodie Bag! To recieve your Goodie Bag:

Enter the Code: FreeACP2024 at the Redeem Code Page!

The code will remain active until the end of the day on August 31st!

Arcane MoteArcane MoteArcane MoteArcane Mote

Sparkle on Arcane Fauna Fans, we have some fun updates to our site today, all focused on Arcane Fauna!

Arcane MoteArcane MoteArcane MoteArcane Mote

New Feature - Petey's Trash Can!

We have a brand new Daily Activity added to our list, Petey's Trash Can! Once per day, members can grab something from the trash can. Just like with our other two dailies, members can sell any item they get from the Trash Can back to the site from their inventory for a few treats, but as something a little special, there are some items found in the Trash Can that members can sell back to the site for Arcane Motes! This will make it easier for members to get an Arcane Fauna of thier very own (or anything else from Petey's Shop)! There are 20 brand new trash items for members to find!

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Spent Battery | Bent Coin | Bent Fork | Broken Seashell | Bruised Onion

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Chewed Ducky | Cracked Chalice | Crystal Shards | Dented Can | Empty Juice Box

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Loose Game Pieces | MEAT Can | Obsolete Disk | Old Fries | Pawbucks Cup

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Plastic Bottle Cap | Shiny Thing | Mostly Empty Spool | Stinky Old Sock | Tarnished Old Key


Arcane MoteArcane MoteArcane MoteArcane Mote

New Options for Arcane Fauna!

Ever wanted to add a little more pizzazz to an Arcane Fauna MYO or existing Arcane Fauna? Well you're in luck, Petey is stocking a brand new item in his shop, Concentrated Arcane Magic! This item, when added on to a MYO or design update, will allow Arcane Fauna to have more than one Arcane Magic type! So for example you can have an Arcane Fauna with Extras Arcane Magic and Elemental Arcane Magic, or mix and match any other two types of arcane magic! As an additional little feature, you can use Concentrated Arcane Magic on an Extras Arcane MYO to give your Arcane Fauna multiple heads! Extra heads was a little too wild for normal Arcane Fauna, but I figured this was a good way to make it happen!

Concentrated Arcane Magic

It can be purcased at Petey's Arcane Emporium for 5 Arcane MotesArcane Mote or from the Nuggy Shack for 10 Nuggies!Nuggies

Hope you guys enjoy all these updates! Later this month we will have an update on our next holiday, The Pilgrimage to Arcane Cave, which will be a fun Arcane Fauna holiday!

Art Fight 2024 + Breeding Raffle!

Posted 1 July 2024, 12:52:39 CDT by Provie
Happy art fight!!

It's that time of year once again, Art Fight is back for another year, and as always we have some fun bonuses for the season! Since art fight is such a big event and a busy month for a lot of folks, we won't be having any other events or holidays this month, so people can focus on having fun with art fight!

For the duration of Art Fight, all gift art will earn DOUBLE rolls on Chance's Gacha Generosity!

  • This includes all gift art for puppillars members, regardless of the character (so even non-puppillars characters count!)
  • When submitting art of non-puppillars characters, please use the Art Fight link to the piece, and include the member's Puppillars username in the comment section
  • We have an art fight roll call posted in our Discord Server, where you can find links to members on Art Fight!
    • The roll call is optional, members can still get the bonus for members not on the roll call, or even members who have not been active on our site/discord. As long as they have an account on Puppillars, you can get the bonus!
  • Even if you are not particiapating in Art Fight, any gift art you do this month also counts for the bonus!
  • Remember to still upload any Art Fight art of puppillars characters to our Gallery to get those treats!

The bonus will go on for the entire duration of Art Fight, so if the event is extended, the bonus will be extended until the event officially ends!

To add on to the celebration this year, we are also rolling a Puppypillar/Snailkitten Raffle into our Art Fight celebration! As well as the Chance Bonuses, each gift art completed during Art Fight will earn a ticket to our July 2024 Breeding Raffle!! There will be three winners, and each winner will recieve a Puppypillar Breeding a Snailkitten Breeding or a Custom Puppypillar or Snailcat! Members can add the Raffle Ticket as a reward to thier Chance Prompt, or tickets will be added for you after your Chance Prompt has been approved!

Click here to see Chance's Gacha Generosity Prompt

Click here to visit the Art Fight site

[Event] Pride in the Park!

Posted 1 June 2024, 14:32:25 CDT by Provie

Happy Pride Month Everyone!!!!

The air is filled with joy and celebration, music, the waving of flags, and all sorts of other fun stuff! This year, Bark Park is hosting a huge Pride Event for all of New Barkston! Of course, other places across the continent are having thier own celebrations, Pride in the Park is the biggest pride celebration on the continent! There's lots of fun to be had for everyone!


Pride in the Park Parade and Food Trucks!

To celebrate Pride at Bark Park, the park is throwing a Pride Parade and bringing in a bunch of Food Trucks to provide snacks for all! Members can participate by drawing their character(s) marching in the parade, or by creating a food truck!

  • To participate in the parade, members can submit a drawing of thier character(s) marching in the parade, which will all be compiled at the end in a big parade picture!
    • All images must be a fullbody with a transparent background (so we can easily create the final image)
    • Characters can be just standing/marching, or have stuff like costumes, instruments, etc. Use your imagination!
    • All images must be submitted to the Pride in the Park 2024 Gallery!
    • Members may collaborate on peices for this activity!
  • To participate in the food truck rally, members can submit a drawing of thier character(s) running thier own food truck/stand, optionally including a menu! At the end, I will be creating a few items for the site based on the menus!


Draw the Character Above Game

Our Draw the Character Above Game returns this year over at our Discord Server! Head on over to the #server-events channel on our Discord to participate! Members can claim the post above to draw another member's character with a pride theme! 


Custom Raffle

As an extra incentive to enjoy all the above offerings, we are having a custom raffle this month! Three winners will recieve a custom by myself (Provie), either a Rare Puppillar, Super Rare Snailcat, or Any type of Arcane Fauna! 

To earn tickets, simply participate in the activities above! Members will earn One Ticket for each parade and/or food truck image they create, and One Ticket for each claim they finish on the Draw the Character Above Game! Tickets will be added by staff, no claims needed!


All the above activities will run through June 30th at Midnight site time!


New pride items

Last but not least, we have a bunch of new Pride Items, representing 5 New Pride Flags, Aroace, Neutrois, Queer (2 Versions), and Queerplatonic! All of the items can be found in the Pride Shops, which are sorted between the Accesory Shop and the Collectible Shop!

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=

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<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=

Thanks to everyone who suggested flags we didn't have yet! Reminder that if your flag isn't represented, you can always use our Blank Pride Items to attach to a character's inventory, or use our Custom Items System to add it to the site.


[Holiday] Ducky Days!

Posted 14 May 2024, 21:50:15 CDT by Provie

UPDATE 5/19: Changed the "limits" for ducky days goodie bag to be once per user rather than once per day, less limiting! Members are welcome to send claims for any additional eligible compliments!

Happy Ducky Days!! It's time for our next holiday in the year, and it's a holiday about something we all love- DUCKIES!!

On Arcanis, one of the best way to show your appreciation for loved ones and friends is to give them a rubber duck! They are super popular among Puppillars, and have even caught on with Snailcats and Arcane Fauna, everyone loves a ducky! During the second half of May, the denizens of Arcanis do their best to show appreciation for those they care about. Giving Duckies is a big part of the Holiday, but giving kind and genuine appreciation and telling your loved ones how you feel about them is just as important!


Ducky days Holiday Activity

For this holiday, we will be focusing on showing appreciation to each other, this activity will revolve around complimenting other members and/or their characters! Members will comment below to "Open" their Ducky Days inbox, and then members can post compliments! Members can post as many compliments as they like, though they can only claim One Ducky Days Goodie Bag per complimented user though members are encouraged to post as many compliments as they would like!

 <a href=
You can claim your Goodie Bag(s) by submitting a Claim and linking your comment(s) in the comment section. You may claim multiple bags in one claim! The Goodie Bag is unchanged from last year, and contains 3 Ducky Gacha Balls!

To Open up your Ducky Days Inbox, please post the following form in the comments below:

Personal Compliments: (yes/no)
Any personal compliments notes: (for example if you are a system and only certain members want personal compliments)
Character Compliments: (yes/no)
Any character compliments notes: (for example if you only want compliments on designs you created or only certain characters)
In character Compliments: (yes/no)
Any in character compliments notes: (for example if you only want characters with pre-established connections compliment your characters)

I hope this form helps to navigate any comfort levels anyone might have surrounding this event!

Ducky days will end at the end of the day May 31st! Makes sure to "open" your mailbox and get your compliments in!



New Ducky Daily!

In celebration of duckies, we have added a new Daily, the Ducky Pond! Each day you can claim a ducky, just like with fishing, and just like with fishing as well, all the current (and new!) duckies now have a resale value, so you can earn some treats as you amass duplicates and such! Don't forget to do your dailies, those treats will add up over time! 

Click here to visit the Ducky Pond!

New Duckies? Did I hear new duckies???

That's right folks, our staff members have some fresh new duckies for you, 20 new duckies to be exact! All the new duckies can be found in Ducky Gacha Balls AND at the Ducky Pond. All the new duckies are as follows:

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Alien Big Headed Ducky | Arcade Ducky | Boba Big Headed Ducky | Dragon Big Headed Ducky | Flower Crown Big Headed Ducky

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Flutterbat Ducky | Birthday Ducky | Gamer Ducky | Glow in the Dark Ducky | Glowing Ducky

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Goffic Big Headed Ducky | Jasper Ducky | Kawaii Ducky | Kitty Ducky | Mandarin Ducky

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Pinata Ducky | Polka Dot Ducky | Polka Dot Big Headed Ducky | Tree Frog Ducky


Updates on Items!

To finish out this news post, we have some other general items updates, these can all be found in the following Devlog, for your convenience!

Click here to read the item updates!

[Holiday] Snailcat Racing Season 2024!

Posted 28 February 2024, 22:58:17 CST by Provie

Update 4/8

And the winner is..... NAROMI! Congrats! I will be doing some champion art for Naromi soon, as well as add new trading card item of our new winner! Thanks to everyone for participating! In addition, Naromi's new official trading card can now be found in the Snailcat Racing Season Goodie Bag!


Click here to view the final bracket!



THE most popular sporting event of the year, Snailcat Racing, is back once again! Snailcats across the continent have been training since last year's race, hoping to make it to the winner's podium. Last year, Morpheus took first place, but it's anyone's race this year! Is your Snailcat up to the challenge?

Races are the main event during this holiday, but around the grounds of the races is also a celebration and a carnival atmosphere which anyone can enjoy! There will be some fun games to play, and a prize booth with lots of fun stuff!!

Time for snailcat racing season!

This year, for Snailcat Racing season, we will be having the big race as well as carnival games for everyone to participate in throughout the race! Read on for all the details!

snailcat racing

Members can sign up one of thier Snailcats (or snailkittens!) for the big race, and after the signups we will have bracketed matchups each week to determine who wins. Members can cheer for snailcats in the race every day, and winners for the matchups will be determined with a randomizer weighted by the amount of cheers each racer gets, so the underdog (or undersnailcat!) defintely has a chance to win!  The winner will only be for bragging rights, and a bit of art from Provie, and the chance to appear on a trading card item, all of the holiday tickets prizes will be earned by cheering on the racers!

Racing Schedule

March 1st - March 10th: Signups open for Snailcat Racers (one per member)
March 11 - March 17th: Round 1 Matchups
(click here for this week's bracket!)
March 18th - 24th: Round 2 Matchups
(click here for this week's bracket!)
March 25th - March 31st: Round 3 Matchups
(click here for this week's bracket)
April 1st - April 7th: Final Round Matchups
(click here for this week's bracket)

Signup and Cheering Rules and Prize Details

  • Members may sign up one of thier snailcats by commenting on this news post with the following details:
    • Snailcat's Name
    • Snailcat's Pronouns
    • Link to the Snailcat's masterlist entry
  • All signups must be commented by the end of the day on March 10th in order to join the race. 
  • During the rounds, all members (regardless of if they have a snail in the race) can cheer one snailcat from each matchup once per day by submitting a list of racers they wish to cheer via claims
    • Members may not cheer for thier own character, and may opt out of cheering any matchup if they choose to. As long as you cheer for one of the available matchups you will collect your point
  • Members will earn one Holiday Ticket per cheering claim, useable in the Holiday Shop!
  • The Holiday Goodie Bag can be purchased in the Prize Booth for 5 Holiday Tickets, and will contain two Random Snailcat Racing items (with the pool being the medals, the plushies, and the trading cards!)
Carnival Games

To add on some extra fun to this event, we are also adding some limited time dailies, bringing back the games from the Bark Park Music Fest! Members will be able to play each game once per day to earn event points to use at the Prize Booth, where you can find some fun carnival themed items, as well as well as MYOs!

Each game is a roll on  its respective Loot Table, which are as follows:

  • Beanbag Toss - An even chance of winning 5, 7, or 10 Event Points
  • Giant Tumble Tower - 25% chance to win 15 Event Points or 75% chance to win 3 Event Points
  • Ducky Pond - Always win 5 Event Points and a Random (Non-Pride) Ducky item!

The Carnival Games will open on March 11th!

Click here to check out the dailies!

New items roundup

Here are all the fun new items for this Holiday, as well as where to get them!

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Trading Cards - Found in Snailcat Racing Season Goodie Bags

<a href=<a href=
Snailcat Shell Earrings - For sale in the Holiday Shop (permanent stock)

<a href=<a href=<a href=
Snailcat Racing Trophies - For sale in the Holiday Shop (permanent stock)

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Snailcat Balloons - For sale in the Carnival Prize Shop (shop will close shortly afetr the event ends)

Click here to visit the Holiday Shop!
Click here to visit the Carnival Prize Shop!!

[Holiday] Flutterbat Migration

Posted 7 April 2024, 18:07:49 CDT by Provie

Hi everyone! Time for our next holiday, this time we are celebrating Flutterbats! Every April, flutterbats like to travel throughout the land and have a nice holiday, and many others join in to celebrate along with them by travelling or joining in with the pranks those zany flutterbats love to play on others!

To celebrate this holiday, we have a new recurring prompt which will be open yearly from April 1st to April 31st (next year we will have signups for Snailcat racing a bit earlier so this holiday is the whole month of April). This holiday has a simple prompt for participation, and members can earn a Flutterbat Migration Goodie Bag, containing two exclusive items and 10 Holiday Tickets!!

Click here to see the prompt!

We also have some great new items to celebrate the Holiday! Here are the new items and where you can find them:

<a href=
Flutterbat Migration Goodie Bag
Recieved from Prompt Reward!

<a href=<a href=
Flutter Jester Cap | Rubber Chicken
Recieved from opening the Flutterbat Migration Goodie Bag (you get both!)

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Monochrome Jester Hat | Bright Jester Hat | Black Fanny Pack | Neon Fanny Pack | Pink Fanny Pack
Available at the Holiday Shop!

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
Messenger Gull | Messenger Bat | Messenger Dragon | Messenger Pigeon
Available at the Holiday Shop

<a href=
Petey Squashy Plush
Available at Petey's Arcane Emporium (kind of a random bonus!)