Dev Logs

MYOs Bugged + Small Changes

Posted 4 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 weeks ago by Provie

Hi all, I posted an announcement on Discord, but in case people aren't in the Discord, but MYO Slot Items are currently Bugged! We are looking into the issue, but for the time being if you wish to use a MYO Slot Item, please Submit a Claim and attach the item, and a staff member will make a MYO slot for you manually!

And now for some other minor changes:

  • Select items from holiday goodie bags now sellable for 5 treats each, each unique item found in Holiday Goodie Bags have been given a sell back price, in order to give these items more of a utility if people wind up doing the prompts multiple times in one year or do it each year!
  • The requirements for the Character Development Challenge have been tweaked slightly, the writing prompts have had thier requirement lowered to 250 words rather than 500! This means that the challenge is slightly easier, especially when it might be kinda hard to squeeze 500 words for the more simple prompts!

That's all for today!

Ko-fi Updates!!!

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Provie

Hi all, today we have some updates to our Ko-fi page!

  • I have finally updated our 2025 goal on our Ko-fi, I will be keeping track of the goal for our 2025 hosting costs on our Ko-fi page! So far we are at 4% of our goal! All Nuggie purchases, Tips, and customs/breedings ordered from me (Provie) will contribute towards this goal! Any help is appriciated to keep Puppillars up and running!
  • Nuggies purchases have been made more flexible! Members can now purchase whatever amount they want (starting at 5 Nuggies)
  • Purchasing Customs and Breedings from Provie has been added to our Ko-fi, for ease of purchase! 

Any purchases, tips, or commissions are always appriciated! I am always so happy to see our goals get reached (or at least close) each year!

Thanks in advance to anyone that supports us, and even if you don't have the money to support, remember that there are still ways to support us without money. Check out our How to Support Us Page for details!

More item changes!

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by Provie

As mentioned in the Ducky Days news post, we have some item updates for everyone!

The Item Rarity Update is Complete!

Items have now shifted rarities in order to accomodate our new Rarity Level 1, for plentiful items. These items include items from dailies (all fish and all duckies), and select items from adventuring. These items can all be sold back to the site for a small amount of treats, giving them some use!

All non-pride duckies have been removed from the shops, as they can now be found in dailies (also as another note, all Pride Duckies are NOT plentiful items, they cannot be sold back to the site).


Instruments are now Stocking at Apollo's Shop!

From Bark Park Music Fest, we had some of the food items return at Snailcat Racing Season's Carnival Shop, but now some of the other items from that event, namely the musical instruments, have a permanent home in Apollo's shop! Rock on! Or Folk on! Or Hip-hop on!


Raw Quartz Stone now available!

When adding our newest Adventuring Area, Plateau Lake, the item Raw Quartz Stone got a little lost along the way, but never fear it is now dropping as it properly should at Plateau Lake!


Raffle Ticket is now Lucky Ticket!

Last but not least, the Raffle Ticket, whose use we have phased out, is now the Lucky Ticket, which is a very rare (around 1%) drop in all dailies. This ticket can be resold to the site for 100 Treats, so its a nice lil prize to win!

Lots of Guide and Lore Updates!

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by Provie

Hi everyone! I went into a frenzy of "spring cleaning" of sorts and updated most guides and lore pages on the site! Most changes are small and are just updating info (like adding new links from the top bar to How to Use Our Site), or updating stuff to reflect things like new species, and new features. 

Especially big/important updates include:

Some item changes!

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by Provie

Hey all, just a notice that most of the items from the Bark Park Music Fest Event have been moved to new shops, including the seasonal shops and the upcoming Carnival Prizze Shop for the Snailcat Racing Holiday :)

Customs Update, Map Update & more!

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by Provie

Hi all, a few more small updates today!

  • All custom pricing is now at artist's discretion! This is to make it more flexible on our artists, so they can set the price on customs based more close to thier regular commission rates, and in order for customs to be more flexible! Going forward, if you are interested in a custom, price will be discussed with the commissioner and the artist! We hope this makes the process a bit better for everyone! The Artist Customs page has been fully updated, and now includes the details about Puppypillar/Snailkitten breedings!
  • The Continent of Arcanis Map Page has been updated with the newest version of the map and details about the newly revealed locations!
  • I have made corrections to Adventuring Levels, getting the adventuring liscence is supposed to come with 1 level to start out, and I forgot for a while, so I just added corrections for those who didn't get the level. If I somehow missed you, please message me or submit a claim to let me know!

Some changes for items!

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by Provie

Hey all! With the introduction of Dailies, we have some small changes to a few items, and a small change to item rarities!

<a href=
Blue Crab is now named Gray Crab (as we have an actual Blue Crab Item now!)

<a href=

Mantis Shrimp is now named Colorful Shrimp (as we have an actual Mantis Shrimp item now!)

Lastly, as a work in progress change, item rarities are shifting! All items from dailies will be a new rarity, Plentiful, which will be the new rarity 1. All other rarities will be shifted up one, with the new rarities being:

Rarity 1: Plentiful Items
Items from Dailies, Select Common Adventuring Items (mainly the plants/rocks etc)

Rarity 2: Common Items
Select items that are readily available in shops for treats

Rarity 3: Seasonal Items
Items available in the rotating Seasonal Shops and items from the Holiday Shop

Rarity 4: Rare Items
Select items that are readily available in shops for treats (the more expensive ones), Items that are available in Adveturing but not Exclusive

Rarity 5: Exclusive Items
Items that are only available from certain ARPG activities, such as Adventures, Chance's Gacha Exclusives, etc

Rarity 6: Special Items
Items like MYOs, potions, which while readily available, are special enough to have thier own category, and anything else we feel fits in here

Over the next few weeks we will be upshifting the rarity of most items, and making adjustments to a few items! Right now item rarity doesn't effect much, so even though this is a "big" change, we don't expect ot to effect members much!

The Items, Currencies and Awards page will be updated soon with these changes!

Co-ownership is live!

Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by Provie

Small update again today, but co-ownership is now live on site. Going forward, please note any co-owns on comments section of a MYO submission, or specify co-ownership at time of adoptable or custom purchase.

Co-ownership can also be updated any time by submitting a Claim to the site detailing which character you would like co-ownership updated on. If you have any existing characters you would like to update co-ownership on, please submit a claim!

Arcanis Map v2!

Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by Provie

Version 2 of our Arcanis map has been uploaded to our gallery! Check out the new locations, including Arcane Cave as mentioned in the plot! More info about these new locations coming soon!

Click the thumbnail below to see the map in full!

Submission thumbnail

Small Fetch Quest Update

Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by Provie

Update 11/13 - Another small update to Fatch Quests while we figure out thier final form so to speak, Fatch Quests are now limited to Onceper day, but have had the max reward increased to 50 treats! 

Hi everyone! The maximum reward for Fetch Quests has been changed to 25 treats, as the feature is not finalied yet. We plan on fleshing out Fetch Quests to require special items which will be available with our dailies that we plan on launching next year. Members are still welcome to use this feature while its not in its final form, we just decided to nerf the treats amount since it was more than we would like going out onto the site.