Site News

New year, new updates!

Posted 2 January 2024, 13:13:39 CST by Provie

Hi everyone! Happy New Year and hope that everyone had a good holiday season! To start off the year we have some updates for everyone! 

Survey Results Updates

Thanks to everyone for filling out our 2023 Puppillars survey! We always really appriciate all the feedback, and here are the changes we will be making based on the survey results:

  • Snailcat MYOs are now available at the Nuggie Shack, for those who are interested in buying with nuggies!
  • Magic Potions of all types will continue to be available in both Chance's Gacha Shop and Petey's Arcane Emporium
  • People seemed very interested in having more Discord activites going forward, which we will plan on doing this year! Reminder that you can join our Discord Server Here!
  • People seemed very interested in having an art/design exchange, so we will plan on having one in the next few months!
  • We will work on adding more reference info for Magic in the Puppillars world and Magic traits soon
  • Small change: The Heading "Puppillar Basics" in our info section has been renamed "World Basics" for clarity!
New Adventuring Areas Updates

Earlier this year we announced that we were working on some new adventuring areas, and I am happy to announce that one of those areas is now live, Plateau Mountain! This is our first Level 3 Adventuring area, so you can only adventure there if you have at least 3 Adventuring Levels! Our next adventuring area, Arcane Cave, is still in the works and will be coming soon!

As another small change, the rarity has been tweaked slightly on all adventuring rolls, with the rare item pool being weighted slightly more!

Holiday Shop and Holidays

We have a brand new shop, the Holiday Shop! This shop features festive items, which are purchaseable with Holiday Tickets! Holiday Tickets can be obtained by participating in Holiday Prompts, which will be recurring prompts every year based on the Holidays of Arcanis! Each holiday prompt will award a goodie bag with some exclusive holiday goodies, and 10 Holiday Tickets, which can be used at the shop!

With the addition of this new shop, some items have moved from the seasonal shops to this new Holiday shop. To give folks a chance to snag some of these items, I have opened all four seasonal shops, and they will remain open until January 9th, in case you wanna snag any items that have moved with treats before they are removed from the seasonal shops.

Our first holiday of the year will be The Festival of the New Moon, which will be active from January 15th to February 15th!

Our new holiday shop still needs a shopkeeper, so we are extending the NPC Design Contest until January 31st, and I will be reposting the contest details in a separate news post!

Ko-Fi Memberships closing

After a trial run last year, I am closing down the Membership option on the Puppillars Ko-fi, we are a smaller community right now, and the amount of effort put in didn't wind up lining up with the level of interest. Going forward we will continue to use our Ko-fi for one off support like purchasing Nuggies, and we may have special YCHs like when we did our Pride Fundraiser last year. We always appriciate any support, and as something to celebrate, we are about halfway to our funding goal to pay for the site's hosting (which is billed in may), so we have been doing fine so far, even without something like a membership program!

Phew! That was a lot, but a lot of good updates! Keep an eye out for more new updates, as we have lots of fun stuff planned for this year!

Happy December! 

Hello pupp pals one and all, Happy December! Its been a busy year, so December this year will be a bit quiet, but we still have some amazing stuff going on this month as a special treat for the holidays (and for making it through the year!)

OTA Kiosk Open All Month!

It's BACK! We typically open the OTA Kiosk for "Black Friday" but with the MYO event this year, we pushed it back to December... but we also made it MUCH BIGGER! This year the OTA Kiosk will be open all month, and for the first time, multipe artists will be have thier services up for offer!

Provie Hawkins Howee and Nhrive will all be accepting offers on various services, and since this is a special opening they will be accepting offers in USD, Mixed USD/Art, Art, APRG Items, etc! And as a special bonus, if anyone gets a service including a USD offer, Provie will be including a free YCH (details to come!)

This is a rare oppurtunity to get some discount stuff or swap art for stuff, and the first oppurtunity to get a breeding from someone other than Provie. so enjoy!!!

Click here to visit the OTA Kiosk

Puppillars 2023 Survey!

We're nearing the end of the year, which means its time for some feedback! Every year I like to get some feedback so I can improve Puppillars for all our members! As a special thank you, all members who complete the survey will reciece 150 Treats and 10 Holiday Tickets (which will have more utilization very soon!)

Click here to take the survey

NPC Design Contest!

It's time for our first ever NPC Design contest! We will soon be launching a brand new shop, the Holiday Shop, and we are looking for a new NPC to be the shopkeeper! Here are the guidelines for the character design:

  • Any species is allowed, though if you design a Puppillar or Snailcat, the maximum rarity level should be Rare! No special traits can be included for Puppillars
  • The NPC is a shopkeeper with a cheerful demeanor who loves to celebrate all the holidays of Arcanis
    • Even though this design contest is in December, the design doesn't need to focus on the winter holidays!
  • We encourage designers to make this NPC design easy to replicate, as the character will be available for anyone to draw for activities

Contest Rules

  1. All members of Puppillars may participate in the contest, including staff members
  2. All entries should be design concepts, rather than fully finished/polished peices, as only one will be accepted, we would rather folks submit quick concepts!
    1. If your entry is chosen, you will then be asked to create a finished version of the design, which we will use for the Masterlist art and Shop header!
  3. All entries must be submitted to the 2023 NPC Design Contest Gallery Folder
  4. Entries will be judged on design elements, creativity, and what we think will fit the NPC, rather than art "quality" or level of polish
  5. Participants can submit a maximum of one entry
  6. If your design is not chosen as the winner, you are free to do whatever you want with your design
  7. Staff members will choose a number of finalists (depending on the amount of entries we recieve), and then the final winner will be determind by member voting!
  8. For this design contest, entries will be open until December 31st, 2023!


  • The winning design will be used as an official NPC on our site, and the creator will recieve 10 Nuggies!
  • All non-winning finalists will recieve 200 treats!
  • All participants will recieve 5 Holiday Tickets


(art by Provie and mewhaku - co-owner of World of Lingua)

What's this? Looks like Pembroke has made a new friend, but what a bizzare looking Arcane Fauna! Are they Elemental, with the leaf motif?  Huh?? That's not an Arcane Fauna its a Paralogos? A paralo-what? Pembroke explains:

"This is my new pal Ginko! Stella and Rover were messing around with some magic energy, you know how they are, and they somehow opened up a portal to this place called Lingua! Being the charismatic chap I am, they volunteered me to go check the place out! Its really different from Arcanis, but the fellas over there are really neat! There are the cool dinos, Paralogos, as well as thier other dino friends the Triceridos, and there's also these amazingly smelling little guys who are called Whifflings!"

Looks like these two worlds are colliding, and residents of both are in for some fun!

Puppillars and world of lingua Crossover MYO event!!

Hi all!!! This month we are bringing you all a fun combined event with one of the species in our cozy little circle, The World of Lingua! For anyone not familliar, World of Lingua is fun multi-species ARPG set in a sci-fi/fantasy setting, featuring Paralogos (dinosaurs based on words), Triceridos (dinosaurs based on idioms), and Whifflings (anthro imps based off scents)!

Our groups have some crossover already, but we are excited to share this ARPG with anyone who might not be familliar, and we have a few awesome crossover activities for everyone!

All the crossover activities will end at the end of the day, site time, on November 30th!

Crossover MYO Event

For the first part of our cross species event, we are pleased to announce that First Time Owners of any of our species will be able to claim a free MYO slot of any and all species they don't already have a Character or MYO slot of. This includes any of our species, Puppillars, Snailcats, and Arcane Fauna! Qualfiying members may claim a Common Puppillar Slot, a Common Snailcat Slot, and/or Any type of Arcane Fauna MYO!
- To qualify to claim a MYO slot, you must not have a character of the species you are claiming for, or a MYO slot of the species you are claiming for, with one exception, if you already have a Snailcat/Snailcat MYO from the Free Snailcat MYO, you may still claim one Common Snailcat MYO!

To claim your MYO slots, simply submit a claim stating which you would like to claim, and adding the appropriate MYO slot(s) as a reward to yoiur claim.

World of Lingua will also be doing the same, with First Time Owner's able to claim a Paralogos, Triceridos, and Whiffling MYO! Make sure to check out thier news post for all the details!

MYO Submission Bonus

To go along with our MYO event, there will also be a bonus for any and all MYO slot submissions this month, all approved MYO submissions for any species will get a bonus of a brand new chance box, the Just Because Gift, which contains a randomized small gift! The bonus will be granted by staff automatically after MYO submissions are approved.

<a href=

Cross Species Currency Bonus

As another special bonus for all members, for the month of November, members of Puppillars can claim a bonus of treats for any art they do for World of Lingua! All art submitted to World of Lingua's gallery in the month of November will earn a bonus of 10 treats over here at Puppillars!

To claim your treats, simply submit a claim including the link(s) to the art you have submitted to the WoL Gallery!

Cross Species Adoptable Sets

Later this month, we will have a very fun, very special Guest Adoptable set by staff members from World of Lingua, and in turn World of Lingua will have a guest adoptable set by staff members from Puppillars!  More details coming soon!

Special Award

Any puppillars member who participates in this event will recieve a special Award, Ginko's Signature! Anyone who participates in any of the above activities will be eligible to claim the award!


Hope everyone enjoys this awesome crossover! A big thank you to the World of Lingua staff for collabing with us on this event! We love World of Lingua and are so happy to be working with you guys!!!

[Contest] Fall XTA 2023!

Posted 24 September 2023, 21:39:38 CDT by Provie
Conclusion 11/5

Hi everyone! Thanks to everyone for participating in our DTA/WTA contest, without futhur ado, time for the winners!

PUP-370: Spellbook Wizard - BBungle - We loved the stylization of your piece!

PUP-367: Cookie Weenie: pronounwizard - We loved the pose and energy of your piece!

SNIL-099: Little Imp - mewhaku - We loved the pose and theming of the background of your piece!

SNIL-101: Full Moon Black Cat - andie - We loved the level of detail in your piece!

AF-027: Flame Raven - Shrike - We loved the character interaction in your piece!

AF-030: Flame Witch - Pooka - We loved the details in the backstory of your piece!


Everyone's entries were really amazing, so we would like to award consolation prizes to all the other participants:

tgi will recieve a Common Puppillar MYO - We loved the fall touches in your piece!

Hawkins will reciece a Common Puppillar MYO - We loved the level of detail in your peice!

cobain will recieve an Arcane Fauna MYO Choice Ticket - We loved the rendering of flames in your piece!

All characters and MYOs will be sent out shortly!


Hi everyone, happy spooky season! We are pleased to bring you an XTA Contest (combining Draw To Adopt and Write To Adopt), as well as a raffle for some fall and halloween adopts! All the information for this contest and raffle will be listed below, please read carefully, as we are doing things a little bit differently than you may have seen from other DTA/WTA events!

DTA/WTA Contest

Thumbnail for PUP-370: Spellbook WizardThumbnail for PUP-367: Cookie Weenie
PUP-370 Spellbook Wizard | PUP-367 Cookie Weenie

Thumbnail for SNIL-099: Little ImpThumbnail for SNIL-101: Full Moon Black Cat
SNIL-099 Little Imp | SNIL-101 Full Moon Black Cat

Thumbnail for AF-027: Flame RavenThumbnail for AF-030: Flame Witch
AF-027 Flame Raven | AF-030 Flame Witch

For our DTA/WTA contest, we are doing something a little bit more flexible for folks, for each of the characters above members may choose to draw, write, or a mix of both for the adoptables! So members are welcome to use the medium they are more comfortable with, or whatever they're just feeling at the time! 

General Contest Rules
  • All members may participate, including staff members
    • Any staff member entering in the contest will be removed from judging for the character they are entering for
  • Members can enter for multiple characters, but each member can only win one character
  • All entries must be submitted to the Fall XTA 2023 Gallery Folder
    • Please be clear about your entry in the description, especially for writing, so staff knows what character the entry is for. Please use the "Theme Name" on the image above/character's masterlist entry to make it clear what character the entry is for
    • For art entries, please specify in the description whether or not the winner may use the art you made for your entry (saying no is totally fine, do not feel obligated to let the new owner use the art)
      • All art entries that will allow the new owner to use them will be added to the adopt's Toyhouse paga as we go!
  • Due to the nature of this contest, collaborations are not allowed
  • Please do not make any comments that may discourage others to participate, such as "X person will win for sure", or disparaging your or anyone else's entries
  • Entries will close at the end of the day on October 31st, 2023 at site time
Entry Limit Guidelines
  • Members may create up to five entries for each character, and entries can be a mix of art and writing if you so choose
  • For Art
    • Entries may be of any medium, with the exception of physical crafts or interactive mediums such as games
    • The "maximum" for an art entry is a single illustration with a scenic background, but this is somewhat flexible with the following types of entries for example:
      • Comics are allowed, with a maximum of three panels per entry
      • Things like sketch pages are allowed, or multiple simple scenes in one entry (such as plain fullbodies, or a scene with a simple background/absctatct background)
      • Since art can be so varied, feel free to ask a staff member about a particular style of entry
  • For Writing
    • Entries may be prose or poetry
    • Each entry may be a maximum of 2000 words
    • Please include a wordcount in the description of your entry
  • For Mixed Art and Writing Entries
    • A single entry may include both art and writing with the following limits
      • One single illustration with a secenic background or three smaller simple scenes
      • 1000 maximum word count
Judging Criteria

For this contest, we will not be judging the art/writing quality/style etc of the entries, instead we will be be judging on the following criteria:

  • Character Development
  • Effort Shown
  • Creativity
  • Sincerity

Raffle to adopt Contest!

Thumbnail for PUP-366: Candycorn FrankenpupThumbnail for PUP-368: Jack-o-huahua
PUP-366 Candycorn Frankenpup | PUP-368 Jack-o-Huahua

Thumbnail for SNIL-098: Ghost with the MostThumbnail for SNIL-102
SNIL-098 Ghost with the Most | SNIL-102 Striped Jack-o-Lantern

Thumbnail for AF-028: Snake BunnyThumbnail for AF-029: Winged Toad
AF-028 Snake Bunny | AF-029 Winged Toad

General Guidelines
  • All members may participate, including staff members
  • There will be six winners drawn, and the winners will select one of the adopts in the order they were drawn
  • All entries must go through our claims system, you may submit as many claims as you need
    • On each claim, please be clear about how you are claiming tickets, including any links to ads or gift art
    • On each claim, pease click "Add Reward", select Raffle Ticket, and then add "Fall XTA Raffle 2023" and add the quantity you are claiming
  • Entries will close at the end of the day on October 31st, 2023 at site time

For our raffle adopts, members can earn tickets by doing the following:

  • All members can claim one free ticket!
  • Draw giftart of one of the DTA/WTA adopts or one of the raffle adopts to earn Five tickets (up to five times)
    • All giftart must be submitted to our gallery, though it should be added to the main galleries
    • Giftart made for this raffle is eligible for Chance's Gacha Generosity!
  • Draw art of one of your charcters celebrating Fall, Halloween, or The Feast of the Beast to earn Five Tickets (up to five times)
    • All art must be submitted to our gallery, though it should be added to the main galleries
  • Advertise Puppillars and the XTA contest on any socual media for two tickets for each (up to three times)
  • Make a comment on our Toyhouse Thread about something you like about our ARPG for two tickets!

If you have any questions, please ask in the comment section below, or ask on our Discord Server!
Good luck to all the entrants!

Transfiguration Magic is Here!

Posted 21 September 2023, 20:41:11 CDT by Provie

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Transfiguration magic is here!

As teased a little while ago, we have added a new type of magic trait, Transfiguration Magic! This type of magic is a very powerful magic that gives a character the ability to transfigure thier body into one type of other material, such as plushie/fabric or something like honey! Transfiguration is meant to be rare, but there are a few ways you can obtain a transfiguration magic potion:

  • The potions are available for purchase via Nuggies in the Nuggie Shack, with a price of 20 nuggies!
  • They are also available from Chance's Gacha shop for 8 Gacha Tokens
  • As with the other potion types, they are a rare drop in any adventuring area
  • And as with any item, they will be occasionally be available from events and such!

Looking to snag a potion? We will also be having a giveaway on our Discord Server of a few transfiguration magic potions, so keep an eye out for that to be posted!

As an extra little surprise, all existing characters that were made with the intent to have a similar aspect, or already had a similar aspect via Major Magic, has retroactively been granted the transfiguration magic trait! To see all characters who have had the trait added, click here! If you think I missed your character, feel free to DM me!

A big thanks to tgi for making the transfiguration potion item, it came out lovely and its great to have it match the others!

We hope you enjoy this new trait!

[Plot] What lurks in the cave...

Posted 12 September 2023, 20:43:45 CDT by Provie


After many days of excavation, the volunteers at the base of the mountain finally broke though the dirt and rubble, revealing a large, deep cave within the mountain they had tracked the stray magic to. Everyone celebrated, but there were also nerves in the air, with everyone wondering what could be inside the cave, and certainly what sort of thing could be disrupting magic for everyone. There was the feeling in the air of hope that this would be the end of all the chaos and problems, but only time would tell if this was just another step in the long investigation and journey. Even with the trepidation, everyone was glad to rest and be  proud of the work they had done to reveal the hidden cave in the mountain.

Rover and Jake gathered everyone as they took a break to eat, with food having been prepared by some of those who had been supporting the dig. The next steps were exciting, yet scary, and the duo told everyone that they would form a smaller team to head inside the cave to investigate, wanting to be careful as they weren't sure what they would find inside. After some deliberation, a team was assembled to brave the caves, and in the morning they were off into the mysterious depths.


Adventurer's Log, Day 1

Jake here, I've decided to keep this log of our trip into the cave, maybe I'm going a little overboard, maybe this journey will only take a day, but Rover's journaling of our jouney so far has proven to be helpful, so hopefully this log will be as well! Our newly excavated cave here seems very vast inside, the cave in blocked the entrance, but after walking a few hundred meters, the cave looks open and stable. I believe that our volunteers are continuing to remove rubble around the entrance and just inside the cave mouth, maybe they can also find some sort of use for it even! As we are going deeper into the cave, it seems that this place has a number of strange and interesting properties! Even as we have walked very far into the cave so far, the air still feels fairly fresh here, and even in the low light we have seen some interesting rock and crystal formations. Even with our excitement of discovering what this cave has in store for us, we have been doing our best to look at our surroundings and log anything significgant! I have been trying to sketch out some of the stuff we have seen, but I am not the best artist, hopefully the diagrams prove useful. That's all for now, we are setting up camp for the night after a long day's march! Hopefully I can get some sleep even with all the excitemeny! Tomorrow we will delve deeper into this cave.



Adventurer's Log, Day 2

Another day of marching through the cave, it seems that this cave is quite extensive, there have been a lot of twists and turns, but luckily there haven't been any branches off the main cave, so far the going has been easy, but its hard to tell how close to ground level we are, the cave has been twisting and turning, with the path we're on going up and down. We could have probably kept better track of elevation as we went, but its a little late for that, and anyway we have been far more preoccupied with logging the oddities of this cave! Today on our journey we have started to see odd plants growing, completely strange since we are underground, and these aren't your typical  cave species such as mushrooms. I'm not sure how these plants are flourishing without light, but I'm no botanist! At least I can try to draw some diagrams of these odd plants, I think Stella also trimmed some samples from some, so that will be nice to bring back with us for someone who knows more about plants. After a long march yesterday, the plants are a nice comfort even if they are strange. We have decided to set up camp for the night in a small grove of strange trees, we've picked some of the fruit and we are going to see if its edible!



Adventurer's Log, Day 3

As we keep travelling through this cave everything seems to blending together a bit. Even with the strange plants the cave goes on and on, so when we came across a larger chamber with a pool of water, we decided to take a rest and examine the pond for a little while, this chamber was nice, but we had the feeling it wasn't the end of the cave. The water was clear and normal, but the fish were unlike any I had seen before, with vibrant colors and types I had never seen before! Our rest was very productive, with documenting the surroundings and the pond, we also were able to spot some interesting lizards in the chamber, though we didn't get as good a look at them as we did the fish. Furthur exploration of the chamber revealed another exit, and we were off once again into the cave through the tunnel. We proceeded onwards until it was time to camp for the night again. I'm glad that I decided to write this log, since this journey is taking longer than we expected when we started out. I have the feeling it will be well worth it though! Tomorrow is another day!



Adventurer's Log, Day 4

Our foray into the cave continues! As we keep going deeper into this cave its amazing to see the flora and fauna, and how large this cave is on the inside. We keep on walking and walking and walking, and this tunnel is just as wide as ever. It's like another whole world down here, I'm sure the reasearchers at the university and the adventurer's guild will be excited to come explore this cave furthur once we've gotten done with this initial expedition! So far it seems like there's nothing particularly dangerous down here, but I hope I don't have to eat those words later on as we go furthur. All the reptiles we have seen scuttling around have been strange, but have mostly steered clear of us, and we haven't seen anything larger than a gecko so far. The only thing we have had some concerns over is this strange mist that has appeared along the floor of the cave. We stopped for a few minutes to make sure it wasn't dangerous, one of our arcane fauna companions recognized it as magical right away, and after a few minutes of sniffing and examining and analyzing, they declared that the mist was harmless, and in fact it was a more concentrated version of the stray magic that we had been following! A nice confirmation that we were on the right trail, but even with that exciting development we still need to rest for the night, so I'll end this log here!



Adventurer's Log, Day 5

All of our marching and exploration has paid off! None of us knew what to expect when we started down into this cave, but our perserverence through this, and even through all of what we have gone through before we tracked down the magic to this cave, has been well worth it. But I'm getting ahead of myself here, I should start from the beginning! This morning started out like the other mornings in this cave, we set out among the strange flora and fauna, at this point pretty used to that, we had even grown accustomed to the strange purple mist, even as it was getting thicker in the air. We continued on through the tunnel until we reached another large chamber. Like the previous chamber, this one was also filled with the interesting plants, and also had a large pool. Unlike the previous chamber, this pool was different, it had a purple hue like the mist we were seeing. We carefully made our way into the chamber, though perhaps not as carefully as we should have, with all our excitement we didn't notice that there was something else in this chamber with us! A large figure emerged from the swirling mists, taking us by surprise. Even with being startled, we were carful, not wanting to lash out if we didn't know what we were facing.

It was a good thing we didn't attack it, the figure approached us, looking scary, but it soon stumbled as it neared us. As it got close, we could tell it was a puppillar, a large one at that, but something was wrong. Despite the unknown, we approached in order to help the puppillar out, however we could! We set up a camp around the puppillar, and Stella began brewing some medicines that they had brought with them. After a few moments of uncociousness, the huge puppillar began to stir, it was a bit confused at first, but after giving us a few minutes to explain what we were doing in its domain, the huge puppillar calmed down quite a bit.  We were able to have a conversation with the puppillar, and learned that it was the guardian of this place, it told us it didn't have a name, so we simply started calling it The Guardian. 

The Guardian told us that it was an ancient being, one whose responsibility was to watch over this place, and it referred to the glowing pool we had observed as a "vein of magic". We gathered around as it told us more about the magic of our world, that there were other such places like this on the planet, all where the magic that dwells in the core of our planet peeks up to where we all live, and that was how magic influences us on the surface of the planet! It's quite interesting to hear, especially after chasing down magic for so long this year. Rover is in a tizzy, taking a bunch of his own notes on everything our new friend The Guardian has been telling us.

After hearing all this, we were able to take some time to explain everything that had been happening with magic, and our whole journey up to digging our way into this cave. The Guardian listened intently and was quiet for a little while, we waited patiently, giving it some time, since it seemed to be quite weak, As an aside, I think we were all pretty concerned for our new friend, but at least in my thought process, we wanted to give it some space, since we didn't know that much about its condition yet. After some time, The Guardian nodded and told us that it had not been feeling well for some time, and that timeline lined up with our problems with magic, it was quiet again for a moment, but then admitted that it wasnt aware that the cave had been blocked. It told us it had a strong connection to the magic here, and if the magic of this place was blocked, that would explain why it was feeling so poorly! How interesting! This of course kept Rover going in his flurry of writing down notes, and he had a ton of questions, but we were able to calm him down to ask them at a later time, The Guardian's health was priority now.

After our long conversation, we shared a nice meal and talked about what to do next. The Guardian said that it would probably start to feel better soon now that the tunnel was clear, but Stella said they would stay behind for a bit to make sure, while the rest of us came out to report to everyone else what we had discovered, and to test to see if the flow of magic remedied our issues. It would seem that our long journey was finally reaching its conclusion! For now, I'll need to end this log, as we are packing up for the trek back out of this place, which we've started to refer to as Arcane Cave. This will change a lot for us, hopefully in a good way!



Thank you for following along with our plot!


With this, our Source of Magic Plot has concluded! Thanks to everyone for following along this year so far, and for participating in all of our fun prompts and activities! We hope you enjoyed the expansion of our lore, and that it continues to inspire you all!

As a reminder: The source of Magic Plot will always be available to complete as a quest, where each member can complete it once! The Source of Magic Plot is a great introduction to our ARPG and world, and comes with some great prizes for members to start off thier collection of Puppillars characters, or just add to their roster!

The Plot Step Stories page has been updated with the above story, and Rover's Journal has also been updated with its final update as well!

What's coming next?

  •  I will be working on adding an award for completing the plot, as well as some exclusive items, so keep an eye out for an announcement about those!
  • I will also be doing an update on the Arcanis Map, to include the new area of Arcane Cave and the surrounding area!
  • As mentioned on our Discord Server, we will be adding a new Adventure area, Plateau Lake Mountains, but we will also be adding another new adventuring area for Arcane Cave! These will both take some time, we will make an announcement when we are closer to launching these new areas!
  • Spooky season is upon us! Besides our annual Haunted Server activity on Discord, we will also be having an XTA contest, aka a DTA/WTA contest, with a Raffle as well! We are aiming to start this conest on October 1st! So keep an eye out for that!
  • New features! You may have noticed some shiny new links on our top menus, including Collections, Fetch Quests, and Dailies! We will be working on rolling out these activities in the next few months, and especially in next year, these features will be a fun way for people to be able to earn treats and items without doing art, so having more options will be fun and open up our little "economy" more!

Thanks again to all of our members for participating in our plot! We hope you enjoyed!!

[Plot] Following the trail of magic

Posted 23 July 2023, 14:02:39 CDT by Provie


"Hi everyone! Jake here, thanks for gathering here at the university on such short notice! Everyone's help investigating the magic pockets was really helpful, and  now with help from our new Arcane Fauna friends, we've been hard at work tracking down where all that stray magic was coming from! Arcane Fauna have a unique connection to and sense for magic, which has been extremely helpful  in following the trail of stray magic, and  we have finally pinpointed where the magic has been leaking from-"

"And isn't that fascinating! That our issues were  being caused by some errant magic! Well, I shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. The problems aren't all solved. the stray magic definitely was a factor, but we still have to figure out why there is magic stemming from this location..."

"Yes, thank you Rover, that will be our next step! As I was saying we have pinpointed where the stray magic is leaking from, and now we are planning our expedition to the location! And what is that location my dear turtledove?"

"Ah yes, the location! The trail of magic has led us to a large mountain with what looks like a collapsed cave entrance! How exciting, I know that many of us puppillars love to dig, so we will surely make quick work of this! And who knows what we will find beyond this rubble under the mountain?"

PLOT STEP THREE: The big dig!


Thanks to the united efforts Puppillars, Snailcats, and Arcane Fauna, the source of the stray magic has been tracked to a mysterious blocked cave, now its time to work together again to keep following the trail through the rubble of the cave! We must be close to the source of all this trouble!

Main Activity:  Depict your character travelling to, or helping out at the dig site at the mysterious cave! Are they assisiting with the digging itself, or helping with keeping morale up? Did they find anything interesting amid the rubble?

Mini Activity: This mini activity will take place on our Discord Server! For this activity, members will participate in a digital "dig" where they can select a square on our dig site, with members working together to reveal prizes, both big and small, underneath! Some prizes will be under one square, and others will only be revealed after a few squares near each other have been uncovered (similar to the game battleship)! Head on over to the #server-activities channel of our discord server to join in the dig!

Activity Guidelines:
  1. Members do not need to own a Puppillars characters in order to participate, members are free to use any of our NPCs, or draw other member's characters (with their permission!)
  2. Main Activities must be submitted to the Source of Magic Plot Gallery, and must be submitted to the Plot: Source of Magic Prompt to receive the designated rewards and count for plot participation
  3. Art/writing submissions must be worth at least 20 treats to be valid for plot participation and individual advancement
    1. Details on Treat values for art/writing can be found at our Currencies, Items, and Awards Page
  4. Members can complete each activity once per member
Plot Step Prize(s)

For completing the Main Activity, members will be rewarded with a Common Puppillar MYO Coin!!


For completing the Mini Activity, every member that participates will be rewarded with whatever is uncovered in the dig!


If the plot participation threshold is met before the end of the month, all of our plot step reveals will be revealed early, which include a Journal Entry by Rover Wagstaff, the end story of this chapter, and some more fun surpises!

Art Fight 2023!!

Posted 1 July 2023, 12:49:42 CDT by Provie
Happy art fight!!

It's that time of year once again, Art Fight is back for another year, and as always we have some fun bonuses for the season! Since art fight is such a big event and a busy month for a lot of folks, we won't be having any other events this month, including our plot steps (which will resume in August!) 

For the duration of Art Fight, all gift art will earn DOUBLE rolls on Chance's Gacha Generosity!

  • This includes all gift art for puppillars members, regardless of the character (so even non-puppillars characters count!)
  • When submitting art of non-puppillars characters, please use the Art Fight link to the piece, and include the member's Puppillars username in the comment section
  • We have an art fight roll call posted in our Discord Server, where you can find links to members on Art Fight!
    • The roll call is optional, members can still own the bonus for members not on the roll call, or even members who have not been active on our site/discord. As long as they have an account on Puppillars, you can get the bonus!
  • Even if you are not particiapating in Art Fight, any gift art you do this month also counts for the bonus!
  • Remember to still upload any Art Fight art of puppillars characters to our Gallery to get those treats!

The bonus will go on for the entire duration of Art Fight, so if the event is extended, the bonus will be extended until the event officially ends!

Click here to see Chance's Prompt

Click here to visit the Art Fight site

Happy Pride! Fundraiser and more!!

Posted 16 May 2023, 12:20:53 CDT by Provie

Update 7/15: Thanks to everyone who participated in our fundraiser!! With the adopts, YCHs, Nuggies Sale, and the Draw the Character above game, we raised at total of $374 (which I rounded up to $375) meaning that each of our charities has recieved a $125 USD donation! Below are proof of our donations (thanks to andie and Howee for handling donation for their country's charities!)

National Center for Transgender Equality | Casa Transformar | Light
(please drag into your URL bar for full size)


Happy June Everyone!!!

Progress LGBT Pride PennantProgress LGBT Pride PennantProgress LGBT Pride Pennant

Welcome to June everyone, always a fun month, and we have a few fun things going on this month for everyone, as well as a few smaller announcements, so read on for all that good stuff!

Trans Pride PennantTrans Pride PennantTrans Pride Pennant

Protect trans kits fundraiser!

The world of puppillars is filled with love and joy and acceptance, and we strive to also do so within our ARPG. We are happy to have an amazing and diverse community, and this year we have decided to dedicate our pride month to a fundraiser to raise some money for organizations that support LGBT causes, especially trans rights, in the countries of our staff members, The United States, Brazil, and Slovakia! All money we raise via the fundraisers below will be divided in three and sent to charities: The National Center for Transgender Equality (United States), Casa Transformar (Brazil), and Light* (Slovakia).

Puppillars staff have created a set of 10 pride themed adoptable set that will be auctioned off, each with a starting bid of $15, with all proceeds going to the fundraiser. The auction also has some bonus incentives, so check it out!

Click here to view the auctions!

If none of the adopts strike your fancy, there are other ways to contribute to the fundraiser:

Firstly, we will be having a Nuggies sale for the duration of June through out Ko-fi Shop! Members can purchase 15 Nuggies for $10, with all proceeds going to the fundraiser! Members may buy nuggies via this deal multiple times and buy nuggies from this sale on behalf of others, just specify who the Nuggies will go to!

Secondly, Provie has a special Pride YCH which will be $10, all proceeds going to the fundraiser, which can also be ordered through the Puppillars Ko-fi page! This YCH can be any species, and have any pride flags! You do not need to be a member to purchase this YCH! You may purchase as many times as they want, or purhase on behalf of other members, as long as its specified upon purchase!


And last but not least, you can also contribute by participating in our traditional Draw the Character Above game on our Discord! Provie had pledged to donate $3 to our fundraiser for each completed claim! So even if you can't afford to contribute, you are still able to help out! And as a reminder, all art from the game can be used for our Pride Month Prompt AND the Chance's Gacha Generosity prompt to earn some treats and gacha tokens!

All fundraisers will be going on through July 7th, to make up for some lost time!
We hope you all are excited for this fundraiser, we are super excited to support a great cause!

Other goings on!
  • As discussed on our Discord Server, a new type of magical ability will be added to the ARPG, Transfiguration magic! This will allow characters to have the ability to transform themselves into materials such as living plushies, food, etc. Characters with this ability will be able to switch up these forms "at will" but it won't be required to have both forms as images on the masterlist! More info on this once the item is ready to be released!
  • The Arcane Fauna Guide has been completed! Take a look for some more info on our newest species! The MYO Guide and Artist customs pages have also been updated to reflect the new species!
  • There will be no plot step this month, since we want to focus on the Pride Fundraiser, but Rover's Journal and the Plot Step Stories have been updated! The next plot step will be posted in July!
  • I was super busy towards the end of May, but Ducky Days won't be forgotten! Next year we will have a more robust event for this holiday, but for now members can submit a claim for a free Ducky Days Goodie Bag, which you can open for a random Ducky, including some new Big Headed Duckies!

Thank You Raffle Part 2 + Site Updates!

Posted 18 June 2023, 22:37:29 CDT by Provie

EDIT 6/21: As mentioned at the bottom of this news post, we are now opening Guest Artist Applications! This round of guest artists will be making Arcane Fauna adopts only, so we can get some more on site! Please fill out the following Google Form if you're interested, more details are on the form!

Fill out the Google Form Here


Hi all! Time for some fun announcements! First off its finally time for the Second Part of our Thank You raffle, with four babies up for raffle, and secondly we have some amazing updates to our site! So read on for all this awesomeness!


Thank you Raffle Part 2!

As a follow up to the Thank You Raffle, we are now raffling off the four remaining babies from the breeding raffle! As with the first half of the raffle, this raffle is free to enter for all members (besides the winners of the first raffle), and every member can claim thier free ticket by submitting a claim! On your claim, please select Add Reward, the select "Raffle Ticket" category, and then select the Thank You 2023 Raffle Part 2 option!

The raffle will draw 4 winners, who will get to pick from these new Puppypillars or Snailkittens!

PUP-344 | PUP-345

SNIL-086 | SNIL-087

The Raffle will end in Two Weeks, on July 3rd at Midnight Site time!
Click here to view the raffle!

Site updates galore!

andie has been hard at work updating our site, and has been quite a busy bee lately! Not only has he updated our PHP version, he has also added the following updates:

  • Aliases have been updated to include Toyhouse as an Alias! Members can now sign up using Toyhouse as an alias (rather than Deviantart if they don't have a dA account)! Members can update thier aliases on the Alias Settings page!
  • The Pronouns extension has been added, members can now add custom pronouns on the settings page, which will display on the member's profile, on comments they make, and on prompts/claims they make!
  • The Birthday Gift extension has been added! Going forward, members will recieve a Special Occasion Present on the month of your birthday! Enjoy!
  • The Prize Codes extension has been added, which we will be able to use to distrubute free gifts in the future!
  • The Emotes extension has also been added, which can be used on comments! Right now you can use any item as emotes in comments/text input areas, but we will add more emotes soon!

A huge thanks goes out to andie for all his hard work on these updates!

Misc updates and reminders!
  • Arcane Fauna MYOs have been added to the Nuggie Shack for 10 Nuggies ($10) each! All four types are available!
  • Our Pride Fundraiser is ongoing through July 7th! The YCH, Nuggies Sale, and Draw the Character Above game will be going on until then! We appriciate all the love and support with the adopt set!
  • Guest Artist opening soon! We will be opening up guest artist applications soon, for a set of Arcane Fauna to get more of those out into the world! Keep an eye on the news for updates!

Thats all the updates for now! :D Enjoy!